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E-mail Confidentiality notice


Email received from The Skinners’ Company is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). It may contain privileged information and so be exempt from disclosure. Only the intended recipient is authorised to read, copy, retain, disclose or disseminate this transmission (or any copy thereof) and/or to rely upon its contents. 

If you are not the intended recipient, please delete the email and please telephone 020 7213 0554 immediately.

Internet email is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by email.

The Skinners’ Company includes its trading subsidiary Pellipar Services Company Limited


This email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or defect, but it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure this. It is the recipient’s responsibility to ensure the compatibility of this email and any attachments with any software or system used by the recipient. 

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