1. Navigate to the page the video is located.
2. Click “Edit with Elementor”
3. Select the video you would like to change or you can “Right Click” to copy and paste a video to another area. This could also be pasting it to another page.
4. Check the source of the video. Usually this would be The Skinners’ Company YouTube channel.
5. Copy and paste the video url you would like to add.
6. You can also specify start/end time if you’d like to show a portion of the video.
7. To keep consistency with other videos on the site, “Player Controls” and “Modest Branding” should be set to “Show” and “Yes” respectively. The rest of the controls to “No”.
8. Select the “Image Overlay” tab to change the Thumbnail image. You can copy and paste the one from YouTube if it is easier. Make sure the “Play Icon” is toggled to “Show” and Lightbox is “On”.
9. To add a video to the “Our Videos” section, select the videos element on the “Our Videos” page.
10. To keep consistency of settings, duplicate another video instead of adding an item.
11. Select the new duplicate to open up the video’s settings options.
12. Make sure the source is correct – this will again most likely be The Skinners’ Company YouTube.
13. Update the URL as before.
14. Click the “Title” field and add the video title.
15. You will need to manually add in the duration time.
16. Update the thumbnail with a screenshot or the thumbnail from YouTube.
17. Preview your changes to make sure the correct Thumbnail/Video popup is displayed.
18. Save a draft if you would like to come back to it.
19. Finally you can update to push the video on the live site. Please give it another check once it has gone live.